Wednesday, November 30, 2011

5 Tips To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Temptation and overeating a given at this time of year. Whether you are getting together with friends, family or co-workers over the next month most gatherings are centered around food and beverages.

To avoid the 5-10 lbs the average person (besides who wants to be average) gains during the holiday season try a few of these tips. You'll thank yourself later.

1. Make a plan and stick to it: Be consistant with your exercise program, try for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. The added movement will keep you revved up and increase your fat burning potential to stave off those extra calories.

2. Don't overeat: Try a good meal replacement drink instead of lunch if you are going out for dinner. This will give you all the nutrients you need without the extra calories. I use Isagenix Isalean Chocolate or Vanilla Shakes. Isalean Shakes

3. Snack smart: Try high fibre snacks like veggies, fruit or homemade fibre/protein bar. Fibre fills you up so you are less likely to go back for seconds. You need approximately 30 grams of fibre daily most people get 15 grams.

4. Reward yourself: Skip the high fat desserts and try a couple of pieces of high quality dark chocolate. My favourite is Isadelight Plus, dark chocolate infused with green tea and antioxidants.
Isadelight Plus

5. Decide to eat one or two fun meals: Don't try to abstain from everything. Plan which dinners or parties your going to indulge a little (yes, a little) and stick to it. Try a small portion of your favourite foods or drinks instead of huge helpings which you'll regret later. Haven't you noticed you always regret eating and drinking too much?

1 comment:

David Haas said...

I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?